Kennel Tibetan Terrier '' Of Kari Tibetian Shine ''

Tibetan Terrier is the dog of dream.He is kind, love people and playing.He is very atractive with long coat.Tibetan terriers is just like children, they never will grow up,they have big heart with many goodness.

English   Hungary   Serbian




Reservation in progress!


+381 69/735-153 


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Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 76
Tegnapi: 13
Heti: 76
Havi: 520
Össz.: 67 479

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: Puppies available
Kennel Tibetan Terrier '' Of Kari Tibetian Shine '' - © 2008 - 2025 -

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