Kennel Tibetan Terrier '' Of Kari Tibetian Shine ''

Tibetan Terrier is the dog of dream.He is kind, love people and playing.He is very atractive with long coat.Tibetan terriers is just like children, they never will grow up,they have big heart with many goodness.





-          The description in the standard of the Tibetan terriers – as all other kinds’ - provides a

short summary of the ideal characteristics of dogs belonging to this breed and serves as an initial guide only. Subsequent to this, a series of problems emerge at the time of exhibition judgement. Disregarding the fact that, in essence, the Tibetan terrier was a working dog in his original home, nowadays, because of his elegant appearance, he is primarily kept as a pet or the splendour of the house. The thick and long hair enables various styles but, in the meanwhile, the aesthetic features put into shade the functional ones. The Tibetan terrier was kept as a working dog and, after all the years, adapted to the severe meteorological circumstances: this has developed its actual optimal functional form, therefore at the time of judgement grooming should to be taken into consideration only limitedly (by today this statement is not valid any more – the transl.). As the result of rational and efficient breeding, the characteristics developed during evolution have intensified. Because of this the characteristic, common features are of more considerable importance than the ones listed in the standard, in case of which the possible insufficiencies are not indicated. Consequently, it is advisable to interpret certain items of the standard.


  • BEHAVIOUR: the Tibetan terrier’ attentive, good signaller, quick of understanding character, his centuries-old “record” in the monasteries, at the nomads and in palaces, furthermore his distrust of strangers, make it suitable for being a great guard dog. He will not bark without reason, attack randomly and show his strength, as this is usually noticeable in case of the terriers (the recent variant of the standard already begins with the statement that it is not a real terrier, but this fact was previously well-known – the transl.). Based on these, it is a dog that will indicate the strangers’ appearance right away and easy to get on with. At the time of noticing the strangers, he will keep his eyes on them till they leave the area. Apart from the acquaintances, he is indifferent or cautious with everybody, but never noticeably ill-tempered. As opposed to the terriers, it is a calm dog, never barks without any reason and does not dig holes. Herewith, if someone makes up to him unkindly or aggressively, he will adopt and active, defensive position and does not calm down till the situation becomes clear.


  • APPEARANCE: resembles only at the first sloppy sight to the bobtail, especially when sitting. The bobtail has short tail and, in comparison with the Tibetan terrier, small paws, on which moves about quite heavily. The Tibetan terrier with quadratic figure moves significantly more effortless and by far skilfully.

-       HEAD, CHEEKS, EYES, and EARS: externally the skull of the Tibetan terrier is

similar to the skull of other Tibetan varieties with small stature, but the length of the head’s upper part and the cheeks’ is much the same. This is the characteristic of the Tibetan terrier. The skull between the ears is slightly arched, not as flat as the Pekingese’s and not as salient as the Tibetan spaniel’s. In his profile there is a noticeable, but not so vigorous arch. It counts as a serious failure if the nose is too long and therefore the narrow frontal part of the facial skeleton shows an extremely “sharpened” picture. The above-mentioned position of the rhinoscope to the eye lines insures the natural form required for the head of the Tibetan terrier. The eyes have to be exactly between the cheeks and to appropriate distance from each other. The distance measured between the rhinoscope till the eye lines has to correspond to the distance measured between the eye lines to the upper part of the skull. It is worthy here to add an Indian remark: “the character of the Tibetan terrier is mostly distinguished by the eyes, cheek and posture, moreover the way he bears his tail and ears.” The head of the Tibetan terrier should not be too big or too small either. Its size has to meet the dog’s size in a way that its proportions have to be equal to those of a large dog’s. The correct bite of the Tibetan terrier is not totally clarified. The valid standard (it has not changed further on – the transl.) leaves this question open. Enables the reverse scissors-bite, but in most countries scissors-bite is regarded as ideal one. Initially the reverse scissors-bite was typical of all of the small Tibetan kinds and so, till the 1930s, almost each dogs of Dr. Greig had such bite. In natural environment, at the time of repulsing the attack of a raptorial animal, the reverse scissors-bite is beneficial when grasping the other animal. We talk about reverse scissors-bite when the six frontal lower incisors get in front of the upper ones without their tense touch. This bite is permitted if beside this the lower jawbone is not losing its strength, and will not be extremely narrow and pointed. In the case of the scissors-bite frequently appears the too long skull, and this is regarded as an error. The excessive reverse scissors-bite (fore biting) always counts as the mistake of bite and in the case of the scissors-bite the gap between the upper and lower incisors as well. The incisors have to be situated between the eyeteeth in a light curve, tightly and steadily, and their size should be big to medium. Tooth changing begins relatively late, usually around the fifth month.

According to the standard, the eyes have to be set fairly wide apart. They are very expressive, large, round, dark brown, neither prominent nor sunken. Eye rims are black, the eyelashes are long. This provides a characteristic appearance for the kind.

The ears  should be pendant, carried not too close to head, V-shaped, not too large, set fairly high on the side of the skull, heavily feathered. The rhinoscope should be dark, and as far as possible, black. Brown and flesh-coloured is not allowed; this generally accompanies chocolate coloured hair and it does not agree the standard. In case of light specimen (light-golden, cream, white) the dark rhinoscope sometimes changes the colour and so will be lighter.

-        NECK:  at first sight it looks short. This is because of the abundant hair as it hangs from the back and frontal part of the neck on the chest. Strong, muscular, allowing head to be carried above level of back and giving overall balanced appearance. These harmonic characteristics insure the unrestricted move while running.

-        BODY: Well-muscled, compact with quadratic silhouette and powerful, prominent chest. These are the characteristics of a relatively small, strong, but not rough working dog. The construction of the body is the result of the lifestyle requesting much perseverance, in which they had to adapt to the heavy circumstances, beside little food. These practical characteristics of the Tibetan terrier’s body - associated with long, rich hair – have made the kind especially beautiful and elegant; nowadays this is highly valued. The quadratic body of the Tibetan terrier fundamentally differs from the lengthened body of the lhasa apso compared to its height. With this end in view, its similarity to the bobtail is easily acceptable, since it also has quadratic body and similar hair. However, unlike the bobtail, the Tibetan terrier is straight-backed. In case of the very well-conditioned specimen, it can be slightly convex; while in case of a week spine the back line slightly sunken. The back line being straight, has a big significance in case of the typically unique footstep and rectilinear motion. The well ribbed, convex chest is a significant feature, which insures suitable emphysema of lung, enabling high speed galloping in high-altitude as well. Flat chest is inadmissible. The tail has to be short and strong, but so flexible to enable yaws and turnings. The height of the Tibetan terriers in the case of male dogs is 35,5 - 40,6 cm (in the newest standard 35,5 – 41 cm – the transl.). Till 1950 the upper limit was 43 cm. In the case of rare males 42 cm high is not exceptional, which is not a serious error, but herewith, it is necessary to keep the regulation of the standard concerning size. Bitches can be smaller than 35,5 cm, but at least 33 cm. The standard does not put restraint on weight. The recommended weight in case of 2-4 year aged males, with 40 cm at the withers, is 11,5 – 13,5 kg, while in case of 36 cm at the wither is 8 – 9,5 kg.

-        FEET, TAIL: the forefeet are straight, muscular, very well-shaped already during growth and do not lose their completeness later either. If possible, the kids should be avoided of freighting their foreleg, moving about frequently on one foot and jumping down. The hind legs are collateral, the angulation of the joints are well expressed. The joints are strong, with a good form. The angulations are optimal for the execution of constant running and jumping. These generic angulations significantly reduce fatigability. In extended situation the hind legs are long enough to insure their distinguished jumper skills. The deep-set jumping-joints (between the leg and the hock – the transl.) are the characteristic features of the breed. The next such characteristic is the relatively big, flat paw, the pads of which touch the soil all at once. The outcome of the deep-set jumping-joints is the plane foot. On the paws the big, round feet are heavily furnished with hair between toes and pads. Due to this, the dog does not bog down in the snow-capped mountains or by running on sands either. The anatomical peculiarities listed above enable the brilliant climbing ability of the Tibetan terriers: they are capable of climbing trees or pitched rocks, by hanging on with fingers. All these special characteristics are typical to the mountain dogs and it is not for nothing that the Tibetan terriers’ legs are compared to the Afghan greyhounds’. As it has been discussed, all their movements are – including the perfectly coordinated energetic pace – very thrifty. While running, the footsteps of the anterior and hind legs are on a line, the paws are not thrown out sideways. During trot they move very easily, without fluctuation or lilting gait. Likewise jump gracefully and in very fast pace while playing. It is amazing how naturally they move on the ground. The tail cheerfully curling over back makes a very good impression, the end of which hangs on the side. The tail abundantly covered with hair apparently helps in movement.

-        COAT: Double coat. Undercoat fine and woolly. Top coat resembles to human hair. It is profuse, fine but neither silky nor woolly; long, either straight or waved. The silky or curly is undesirable. Likewise, the long hair almost reaching ground is not proper: the too long hair reduces feet length and ruins the quadratic construction of the body. The hair totally covers the head, by covering the cheeks and eyes. The long eyelashes prevent the hair hand down into the eyes and by this the eyesight becomes possible through the fringe (the recent standard prohibits hair obstructing eyesight, hanging in front of the eye – the transl.).

-        COLOUR: White, golden, cream, grey or smoke, black, parti-colour and tricolours; in fact any colour except chocolate, liver or merle permissible. The bi- and tricolor specimen are very spectacular. Dark ones with clear features or clear with dark tail likewise may occur. Black pigment is missing from the leather of the individuals with dark brown hair; because of this their nose is often clear brown, or skin-coloured, which is fault.

-        FAULTS:   all the faults listed in the standard are qualified serious ones, and can be regarded faults that may exclude the carrying individual from breeding; together with this,

do not mean deficiency to the proprietor if they are not functional, but aesthetical “only”.



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Kennel Tibetan Terrier '' Of Kari Tibetian Shine '' - © 2008 - 2025 -

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