Kennel Tibetan Terrier '' Of Kari Tibetian Shine ''

Tibetan Terrier is the dog of dream.He is kind, love people and playing.He is very atractive with long coat.Tibetan terriers is just like children, they never will grow up,they have big heart with many goodness.

About the breed




One of our puppies’s owners told recently: seeing his Tibetan terrier, an acquaintance of his asked about the kind. The owner’s answer was: Tibetan terrier. His friend laughed a bit doubtfully. How on earth can a terrier and a Tibetan get together? The owner felt exceptionally disappointed that someone may question the existence of the breed.Yet, his friend was right. A dog is either a Tibetan or a terrier. The two cannot be mentioned together. We should accept that his name is Tibetan terrier, while we know that HE is the TIBETAN. The keyword is Tibet, from where he originates. More than 4500 metres altitude, extreme weather, cutting icy winds, dryness. Quite often –40 degrees cold, thin air, strong infrared and ultraviolet radiation. To survive under these circumstances, determination is not enough; a little sense of humour is also needed. So took shape this medium-sized breed with strong skeleton and construction, long hair, large-heart, resistant to all natural forces and illnesses, exceptionally intelligent, always ready to play and always cheerful. The terrier naming was attached in England because of his size. Otherwise, it is not related to the terriers, the nearest relative is the Hungarian puli. According to the legend, they are at least 2000 year old, and liven in the lost valley (Shangri-la), where they protected the valley from earthquakes. He became popular all around Tibet with the passangers of the caravan way. In Tibet he is also called “little man”, since it often acts as human. Another feature of this breed often-mentioned by the Tibetans is that in 1/3 part it consists of dogs, in 1/3 part of humans, and in 1/3 part cats. These dogs were thought to bring good luck in Tibet. Only a very few people had the chance to have one. They were never sold but only given as gifts or thanks for favors. They meant the most precious gift. If the Tibetan people had to leave their homes for a longer period, they brought their dogs as well, together with their personal belongings. So it was in case of that wealthy couple, who went into India in order to the wife to recover. During the surgery and the recovery, the long haired puppy, Lillie, was not allowed to stay in the hospital. Because of this, the doctor, who treated the Tibetan woman said: “Lillie, be a good girl, come with me till Mum gets better! You can visit her twice a day.” The doctor’s name was Agnes Greig whom the woman, after her recovery, gave one of Lillie’s puppies as a present. He was Bunty, the first Tibetan terrier in Europe.

The Tibetan terrier is a medium-sized (35,6 – 40,6 cm), square-built, quadratic dog with well-developed muscles and symmetrical physique. Lopping ears, the tail curls over his back. Long, rich hair covers his body, with the exception of chocolate brown and liver brown, all colours and colour combination is admitted. It is essential that the pigment of the nose is always black. His special feature is the hair-like cover hair, which is usually not like the dogs’. Therefore people who are allergic to the hair of other breeds can live happily together with the Tibetan. He is able to catch with paws, hang on with claws, and climb very skillfully.
He is exceptionally an intelligent dog, whenever he makes something, it has a reason.

Who is the Tibetan for? For the person who likewise likes moving a lot, likes comfort and dealing with hair nursing. Who has sense of humour, and realises in time when his dog wants to play false. Who tolerates that his dog is fussy, but always onto a little game. Who can put up with the thought that, once in a while, has to fight for the ownership of his bed, and likes playing. Who can give much attachment, and is not a burden to receive so much more. Who does not expect from his dog to act like a dog, and accepts that the Tibetan thrive on human companionship. He feels comfortable beside the owner and takes an active part in the family’s life. Who is not inconvenienced by sometimes being dispossessed, and takes the “outbursts of jealousy” quite well.


Most important characteristics:


  • Ø Clever and inventive and so, he never gets bored. Not even if he is left alone in a flat. Always finds some useful activities, for example making a soft carpet from toilet paper and towel, puts, comfortable slippers from the owner’s shoes by removing their toe-caps and heels. With some skilful bites he mutes our phones, which regularly disturb our family's peace and calmness, opens the fridge and removes the forgotten leftovers, and we could spend a long time by listing further examples. Of course, he expects to be praised for all his efforts. He is active, mobile and funny. Able to catch a rabbit or fowls living in the nature, so we do not have even a chance to catch him. And making fool of us on the street or in the middle of the grove is a real fun.  Brave and gentle, will never tear off an intruder’s arm, or attack someone with a bad look on the street, but is able to indicate the forthcoming danger by a several metres long desperate jumping back, no matter if it is an unidentifiable chattering bag in the dusk of the street, and always ready to fight in our home with such dangerous angry snakes as the iron string.
    He is playful and keeps this feature to the end of life. He can make a game of everyone and everything. By its intelligence is a real team player. Adopts over our rhythm of life. Adapts well to change of life, people, and animals even in adulthood. They frequently live together with cats, or other smaller or bigger domestic animals. Do not need practices, trainings lasting for hours, learn quickly, and if they do not see the point of what they have to do, stand further off. They learn most from the owners, when they are beside us. We would not think how much information they can grasp and – to our greatest surprise – utilize in the most unexpected situations. If we do not agree with their behaviour, it is advisable to discuss it with them. If they feel it is unfair, they will glance over us as on the glass. If offended, they are able to give notice in the most diverse way, whatever happens we will notice it.
  • Ø Not allowed to be stuck out in a backyard without allowing going into the house! Not suitable for kennel. Who does not let them close to himself psychically and physically as well, he will consider the Tibetan constantly blustering, disobedient, stubborn, untreatable dog. Feels comfortable in a flat only if he can walk a lot and he is rarely alone. Attention, the Tibetan terrier is not a lapdog! A troublesome Tibetan terrier is strong enough and disposes sufficient energy to pull away the owner walking him, and even cause an accident by this. It is said, the owner sooner or later will start resembling to his dog. If this is true, the Tibetan is a really good choice because of two reasons. One, he is faster than us, so he will start resembling us sooner. The other one is that he is intelligent and nice.




The little shaggy dogs are considered charms, pacific animals in Tibet, and regarded as the most precious gift. The breed is bearing the terrier name falsely, it is much rather a real sheepdog, in the shaggy head of which intelligence gets involved with stubborn obstinacy, by forming a real geeky temper. The circle of Tibetan terrier fans is on rise. Consequently, the breeders in many countries have serious misgivings about this tendency, since the shaggy sheepdog has kept his peculiar form and individuality up till now, and has not become an overbred race, but because of its attractive appearance and ideal size it can easily become a fashion dog.

The history of the Tibetan terrier goes back far, but it is uncertain how far. However, it is certain that 2500 years ago there were dogs on the Tibetan highland that bear a resemblance to the actual Tibetan terrier very much. We know that around 800 BC there were small dogs in Tibet with long hair, called “Apso”. This means in Tibet something like “covered with hair”. The nomadic tribes living on the Tibetan plateaus had little apsos that tended the droves together with the Tibetan Mastiffs. The bigger type with quadratic form descended from the apsos, as well as the later Tibetan terrier, and the smaller, lengthened variant, the lhasa apso that were bred in lama monasteries. However, the rural nomads have not paid proper attention to careful breeding, the different sized and coloured dogs lived together.

In the further history of the Tibetan terrier, Buddhism played a significant role as well. Since the congregation of this religion faithfullly believe in reincarnation. According to the teaching of Buddhism, killing the animals and trading with them was forbidden. Because of this, it was not allowed to sell the dogs, but only to give them away as a present. According to the chronicles originating from the age of the Chinese Tang Dinasty, when somebody handed over a gift, expressed his peaceful intention as well. This is the source of the belief that the little Tibetan dogs were considered charms, pacific animals.

From the later notifications seems that there were regular exchange of the dogs between the shepherds and the lama monasteries. The shepherds gave, the small white and golden coloured kids for the llamas, and on exchange the llamas, gave their bigger bodied apsos for the food got from the shepherds. In Europe, Marco Polo told of the news about the little golden coloured dogs for the first time, which he saw in Tibet and considered similar to Khan’s lions.

Detechment of the breed in 1934


 Sir Lionel Jacob formulated the first standard for the “lhasa terrier” in 1901, and some years later Dr. Agnes Grieg laid the first foundation-stone of the Tibetan terrier breeding. As the director of an Indian hospital, she got her first Tibetan terrier from a rich tradesman, by way of thanking for the successful operation made on his wife. Dr. Grieg returned into England in 1930, and started breeding the dogs obtained in India with the “Ladkok” and later “Lamleh” kennel name. In 1934, the Kennel Klub entrusted the Tibetien Breed Assotiationt with drafing the two standards, according to which, the lhasa apso and the Tibetan terrier were separated from each other as two different breeds. Nowadays the Tibetan terrier is getting more popular in his companion dog quality. Due to his strong tease to the humans, does not like being left alone, but his good adaptability enables us to take anywhere. Loves very much the children, and is a great companion on school campings, trips, and sport tours. Full of temperament, he is suitable for taking part in all dog sports. However, the Tibetan terrier cannot be trained to be obedient in all submission; therefore absolute consistency is of the utmost importance at this breed, otherwise this intelligent, four-legged will do with the owner, whatever he wants. Patience and emphaty are essential in upbringing. Since he is primarily a working dog, he is glad for all tasks trusted in the family. Learns the different stunts quickly and with big effort, often acts like a real clown, his big bullet eyes, funny haircut and specific mimic usually make people laugh. There is the risk that the owner hopelessly becomes the victim of the dog’s charm and this can have the tibetien’s place in the sun within the family. The fantastic climbing ability of the Tibetan terrier he has brought from the time of being sheepdog in Tibet is very well known, when he lived on the rocky plateau. Because of this, it is advisable for the garden proprietors to have a real tall fence. From among the tasks he likes doing the most are guarding the house and the garden. This “shaggy teddy” will never be aggressive within these territories, but will consciously bark at all strangers. However, will not bark without reason, he easily accommodates in the house and live well balanced and calm life. Because of his size, he can be easily kept in a flat as well. The former sheepdog is very well compatible with his breed companions and other animals as well. They approach everything and everybody curiously and very distantly. Despite this, every dog has different character. For example, their relationship to the water is really remarkable. Some of the Tibetans like the water and, to the distress of the owner, the mud as well, while others, for fear of being dirty, avoid all puddles.

A good advice for the owners to-be is that the long hair must be combed regularly in order not to become tangled. Who can handle this stubborn four-legged animal well, and also asummes hair nursing, can have a really superb companion in a Tibetan.

Katalin Krizsanyik

Rozsdás Halász kennel

Tibet Terrier kennel with golden diploma







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